Captain Carter
Captain Carter from Marvel Comics
Full name
Margaret Elizabeth Carter
Peggy Carter
Peggy Agent Carter Captain Carter The First Avenger Queen of England
British Military Captain Founder of the Howling Commandos Strategic Scientific Reserve Agent (formerly) S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Guardians of the Multiverse Member (formerly) Member of the Avengers
Guardians of the Multiverse (formerly)
Spending time with Steve Rogers.
Battling Nazi soldiers (formerly). Playing Foosball with her friends.
Defeat the Red Skull and win World War II.
Stop Infinity Ultron. Stop Loki and the Chitauri invasion. Redeem Steve and destroy the Red Room. Save an alternate universe from being destroyed. Stop Strange Supreme and save his captives. Protect the Multiverse from various threats with her team, The Guardians of The Multiverse. (all succeeded) Stop The Eminence from hurting her friends. (posthumously succeeded, later revived by Deadpool)
Harrison Carter (father)
Amanda Carter (mother) Michael Carter (brother)
Steve Rogers (love interest), Howard Stark † (close friend), Chester Phillips †, Abraham Erskine †
Howling Commandos : James Barnes, Dum Dum Dugan †, James Montgomery Falsworth, Gabe Jones, Jacques Dernier, Jim Morita, John Flynn Nick Fury, Black Widow (best friend), Hawkeye, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, WaspUatu the Watcher , Steve Rogers/Rogers Hood, Kahhori Guardians of the Multiverse :Star-Lord/T'Challa , Strange Supreme , Party Thor , Storm , Byrdie The Duck , Gamora , Black Widow (Ultron's Timeline) SSR Members, Deadpool (savior), Wolverine , Joy , Riley Andersen
Steve Rogers, Hanging out with Black Widow
Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Strength from taking the super soldier serum
"Steve Rogers sent me. The name's Captain Carter."
"The war's out there, Colonel, not in here. If we're going to win, it won't be with me stuck behind a desk." "I am not losing any friends today!!"
Dr. Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter , Ph.D., also known as Captain Carter , is the deuteragonist of the Disney+ animated series What If...? . She is a variant of Peggy Carter who took the Super Soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers , becoming a superhero to fight HYDRA. She would sent to the twenty-first century, where she became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and was later recruited into the Guardians of the Multiverse to stop Infinity Ultron from conquering the multiverse.
Like her Earth-199999 counterpart, she is voiced by Hayley Atwell , who also played her Earth-838 counterpart in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness .